How to Remote and Control Android Phone from Distance

For Android users, do you ever think how to control your Android phone from distance? It would be very interesting if you can control Android phones as you wish. Here I will share about interesting applications for Android phones which can control remotely your Android via PC or laptop.

Webkey application | image: Google Play
To control your phone, you can use Webkey application. This application is very unique and useful. When your phone left behind at home, you can still read and write SMS, making call and even you can click/tap your phone remotely. Other features in this application also great such as: get/save screenshots, download, upload files, get GPS location, export contacts and terminal emulator.

To use this application, your phone must have been root (root required). If you interested using this application, follow these steps:

  1. Download Webkey at Google Play here. It's FREE !
  2. Install Webkey, then Open Webkey - Start Service
  3. Check  "keep alive connection to
  4. Fill Nickname at server
  5. Open your PC/Laptop browser, go to
  6. Type nickname then Connect
  7. Registration & Create New User
  8. Open Webkey application on your phone
  9. Go to Users settings, Create new user
  10. Log-in at
  11. Enjoy to control your phone from distance

1 comment:

April Atkins said...

I think this will be a great application. I normally use of Android phone to control my laptop from a distance. However this one will make it easier to control my phone if I am too busy to stand up and get it! Thanks for sharing!

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