First Apple Computer, "Apple 1" Ready Auctioned

Apple's glory today begins with a simple computer assembled manually by two of company founder, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Computers that became known as "Apple 1" this is will be sold by auction house Sotheby's, on 15 June.

Apple 1 | Engadget
From total of 200 pieces Apple 1 computer ever made, only 6 units are still function. One of them, a computer that entered auction. Apple 1 at first made on the orders of a shop named "Byte Shop" and became the first commercial product from Apple.

Made in 1976, "Apple 1" has a technical specification that very different than today's computers. "Apple 1" just a PCB board planted components, including MOS 6502 processor speed of 1 MHz and 4 kilobytes of RAM.

Apple 1 is the first personal computer that allows users to using keyboard to type letters on the screen, but is sold without a keyboard or casing. Some users then add their own keyboard and casing.

According to estimates, the first Apple computer priced between $140,000 - 180,000.

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