Web browser company, Mozilla will make a smartphone with their own operating system. This phone is predicted will be a competitor of Google's Android phones. According to the BBC, quoting from technology blog in Brazil, Ztop, that first phone for Mozilla will run through Boot to Gecko (B2G) software.
Phones which use that software will first be available in Brazil and will be marketed by the Brazilian operator, Telefonica Vivo. The source reported, until now there has been no detailed data about prices of that phones as well as vendors who will make that phone. However, this phone is rumored to be sold at the end of 2012 or the beginning of 2013.
B2G Software or more familiarly called Gecko is already released in July 2011. This software also will be a competitor of Google's Android OS. The name "Gecko" is taken as a part of Firefox that describes the ease of displaying the image on the web page browser. Gecko were developed in an open operating system, like Android. Gecko will have its own standard on phones.
CEO of Mozilla Gary Kovacs at a press conference in Sao Paulo explains, "openness" of this OS will provide flexibility for the user to operate the phone and set the application in it. B2G made for applications is in it could be like a web page and can be used to share data and links. This standard web pages is also adapted to latest web standards, HTML5.
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